The dictionary defines redundancy as the state of being no longer needed or useful. Looking at this definition and the negative connotations with which it often comes can help us to understand and explore why it can have such devastating effects for some. On the flip side however, redundancy does not have to be limiting. It can be a positive, life-changing event for those who are able to work through the setbacks and find a new way forward.
Being made redundant is often a life-changing experience. You face having to reorganise your life and may encounter immediate problems such as having bills to pay and having to find another job. When a person’s employment defines them and their send of purpose, the shock of redundancy and it’s resulting powerlessness can be devastating.
Overwhelming feelings of loss can promote a crash of confidence and in certain cases may lead to the development of depressive symptoms. The sudden disruption of a daily routine can also feel disorientating, resulting in a sense of isolation.
For those who feel trapped in an unfulfilling job (and are lucky enough to have financial security), having a sudden release can offer a new lease of life – but this isn’t the case for most people.
There are essentially two types of redundancy counselling or advice; the practical type which offers support and signposts a route back to employment, and the traditional type of confidential counselling which can help address any problems which might stand in the way of you getting onto the path. The latter is the counselling work that deals with low self-esteem, depression, sudden loss or anxiety; this can be useful to help increase your understanding of the situation and allow a way forward.