Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms from feeling persistently low in mood to experiencing suicidal feelings. Some of the other common symptoms…
I am going to kill myself. I have complex PTSD and depression from a series of relationship breakdowns. I am on medication and seeing a private therapist but no one…
Grieving the death of a loved one is always difficult, but there is something about losing someone to suicide that is like no other loss. The grieving process can become…
Suicide is not an easy thing to read about – or write about – but the sad fact is that, according to the Samaritan’s annual report, there were 6,859 deaths…
Suicidal feelings are more common than anyone would like to think, and as World Suicidal Awareness Day approaches (on Sunday September 10) here is our guide to suicidal thoughts and…
It is International Men’s Health Week and, although fewer men are diagnosed with depression than women, 75% of the suicides in Britain are committed by men. Suicide in the whole…