Lockdown has defined our lives for the best part of a year, and we’ve had to adapt to a ‘new normal’ during the Covid pandemic. The world may have felt…
Most medical professionals, especially those working in emergency departments, go into the profession with the knowledge that they will face confronting and traumatic situations, from treating severe wounds to victims…
As the coronavirus outbreak spreads around the world, the impact of the pandemic is being felt by millions. All you need to do is head to your local supermarket and…
Workplace stress is on the rise, with recent surveys revealing that up to half of employees are experiencing symptoms of stress – and many don’t know what to do about…
Stress in the workplace is fast becoming the norm rather than the exception. Ask anyone with a full-time day job how they are, and the likely response is “busy”, “stressed”,…
Being manically busy, never having time for yourself, always on email or social media, working round the clock. These behaviours are so typical of the response we have to the…
Stress is so much a part of our everyday lives, what with the expectations of a 24/7 society, the ‘always on’ nature of social media, the pressures of work, and…