The feeling of love, trust, and safety that comes from being with your partner is what we mean when we talk about intimacy in a relationship. It’s often considered the…
People go through breakups all the time, but some will struggle more than others when it comes to finding their feet again without a partner by their side. Being with…
For someone living with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), life can be tumultuous and chaotic at the best of times. Those with BPD can experience a wide range of symptoms, including…
“They say love is the best investment; the more you give, the more you get in return.” Audrey Hepburn We are slowly entering a post-pandemic world after being in lockdown…
The last year of lockdowns, social distancing, and restrictions has impacted almost every area of our lives. From the way we work to the way we celebrated (or not) Christmas.…
If you’re in a relationship, how truly do you hear and respond to what your partner is telling you? Do your end-of-day interactions go something like this…? Partner A: “I’ve…
Relationships can bring such joy and connection and shared experiences. Relationships can also bring pain and heartbreak and disconnection. Being in a relationship can uplift and support. Or, when it…
Being in lockdown with a partner during the coronavirus pandemic may have proved to be quite some test on the strength of your relationship. It’s fair to say that being…
I read somewhere that this COVID-19 situation was going to lead to either a higher divorce rate or a higher birth rate. Well, in our house it would be the…
My fiancée was working on a ship as a singer for seven months. Our relationship was really strong, but in the last month of her time away on the ship,…